Virtual/Remote Bookkeeping Solutions

When I speak to many Small Business Owners, they ask me, "Why do I need a Bookkeeper? I already have an account or CPA." That's a really smart question and there's a simple answer to it. Most accountants or CPAs only see you and your books once a year. How can you know the day-to-day health of your business if you only get a health checkup once a year?

With a Bookkeeper, you're getting a set of eyes on your books at least monthly, with reports to show you exactly where your business's financial health is at.

A second important reason is that come tax time, your books will be ready to go to your accountant or CPA ready to have your returns prepared quickly and correctly. No stress of trying to find receipts, remember what THAT charge was for, or answering question after question from your tax preparer.

Bookkeeping Services Route 22 Offers


Bookkeeping help
  • Reconciliation - making sure all your business transactions are accounted for, even that time you accidentally paid from your personal account.
  • Standard Financial Reports - Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Statement of Cash Flow... (what the banks and CPA's want)
  • Accounts Receivable - Are you busy running your business and keep forgetting to send out the invoices to collect payment?!
  • Accounts Payable - Are you good at invoicing but can't remember to make important payments (taxes, insurance, loans...)?!
  • Calculating Sales Tax (I am not currently accepting any eCommerce clients)


Tax preparation help
  • Federal & State Income Tax Preparation for Individuals (1040)
  • Federal & State Income Tax Preparation for Small Business Owners (DBA, Sole Proprietorship, Single-Member LLC, "Schedule C")

(Due to special tax laws, I do not offer Tax Preparation in CA or NY)


QuickBooks Online training
  • Initial Setup of QuickBooks Online file
  • "Clean-up" of existing QuickBooks Online file
  • Training of how to operate QuickBooks Online
  • 1099 Analysis and Filing(s)
  • Limited Payroll Services
  • Receipt Management